Friday 26 February 2010

How to avoid jumping the shark

I caught up with the latest episode of Mad Men on BBC3 (Series 3, Ep 6 'Guy Walks Into an Advertising Agency) and saw once again concrete proof of the greatness of this show. Sultry Joan Holloway (Christina Hendricks) was taking her leave of the Sterling Cooper ad agency for a life of unlikely domesticity but the plot twist in the episode gives her a moment with Creative Director Don Draper (Jon Hamm).
These two (pictured left) are the alpha male and alpha female of Sterling Cooper, they are apex predators in every sense of the word. Joan is sex on legs, the sort of woman who would make Marilyn Monroe feel frumpy, while Don is testosterone on a stick, the manliest man on television. Ever! It would make sense in lesser hands that their moment contains at least an indication of the seething passions that each must hold for the unattainable other. Not so.
There is an acknowledgement from Draper that she will be missed, and a demure peck on the cheek from Joan in return. That's it - that and a secret smile from each of them that speaks volumes about their relationship. The circling shark recedes into the distance its dorsal fin slipping beneath the waves resolutely unjumped. Having Don and Joan get it on would be suicide for a show which excels in its quietest intimate moments. Show runner Matthew Weiner knows these two are like Superman and Wonder Woman; everyone thinks they should be together but they know better.
It's brilliant writing, superb playing, and another example of why every episode of this series should be cherished.

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