Saturday 25 October 2008

Good for the goose

Having asked my students to blog about what they watch and see it seems only fair that I should do the same. It's a cold, wet, miserable day so I have been catching up on some Sky+ material, specifically the first couple of episodes of Breaking Bad. So far I am very impressed at the way it takes a conventional formula and spins it, not radically but just enough to give things a fresh perspective. 

Other than that I saw an interesting article in the Guardian magazine today about Waltz with Bashir, the controversial animated film. I will need to add it to my page so that I can share it with the students.

Generally I'm pleased with the way they are responding to the directed reading etc. They seem not unwilling to set up blogs which is good. The proof of the pudding however will be how they maintain their entries but since they are assessable that should be an incentive.

If the weather stays foul tomorrow I may catch a movie - either Burn After Reading or Ghost Town since Gomorrah doesn't appear to be on anywhere handy.

Last Night in Soho offers vintage chills in fine style

The past, as L.P. Hartley reminds us, is a foreign country where they do things differently. Yet we are often inexorably drawn to it in th...